Thursday, December 25, 2014

Abba’s Heart - Guatemala

                        Wow!!!  What a year!!  2014 has been an amazing year – the most important part is that Bill & I will be moving to Guatemala on January 9th.   We will be working with a church (Iglesia Del Camino) in Antigua and a children’s center (Campos de Suenos) in Santa Maria de Jesus.  In our hearts, it’s important that we do not go with preconceived ideas about our work there.  We want to be open so we may “hear the whispers of God”.  He is definitely working very hard to get us ready for our transition.  Our home has been rented since September (very much a God thing) and we have been living in a 2 bedroom duplex in town.  When the Lord asks you to do something, He puts everything in place the way He wants it, regardless of what your plans may have been.  We’ve had many lessons during this time of preparation for what lies ahead.  Most of our belongings have either been sold, stored or divided among our family.  And He has shown Himself to us every step of the way – oh what a mighty God we serve !
Many of you may be asking “How long will you be gone?”  Our answer is “Till God says to come home.”  We feel that once we have completed the task He has for us, we will clearly hear from Him what is next.  We will be returning for a family visit June 1st for a few weeks, but will be returning to Guatemala to continue His work.  I have listed below the ways that we can stay in touch with you through Facebook and email as well as a blog “Abba’s Heart-Guatemala”.  Our phones will not work there, but we’ll be getting new phones once we arrive and will pass along that information.  We hope to hear from each of you and will do our best to keep you informed on what is going on with us and how God is working. 
Our family has been very supportive regarding our move, despite some reservations as well.  They too are trusting God for our safety and provision.  Trusting God can really stretch you, especially when it comes to our loved ones.  All of us have been there and He always comes through, sometimes not when we think He should, but always in His time, for He is FAITHFUL.  Please keep us in your prayers as we seek His will and His heart for us and the ones we serve.
We pray that you and yours are all doing well and we pray that 2015 will be the most amazing year yet.  May you experience the awesomeness of our Lord in a very personal way.
Bill :                  
Kaye :