Friday, March 13, 2015

UNITY of Heart to Serve

How amazing God works when His children come together as one to fulfill His desire to minister to the least of these and the broken hearted.  IMAC ( International Medical Assistance Corporation) and Scared Heart University Physical Therapy Department Team, plus the great facilitating of the Iglesia Del Camino mission team went beyond all our expectations. He ministered to over 700 Guatemalans, bonded different cultures into one mighty force to express the compassionate love of our Lord Jesus Christ. This overflowed into our lives and other team members to enrich our spiritual and professional life's by affirming His love for all of us, those served and those serving Him. Friendships where made that are based upon the unity of  purpose within His Kingdom to serve.
One night the Physical Therapy  students were asked by their professors to share about working with us, they commented mostly how they were treated  as capability PT providers to support their findings for the patients. The medical staff was so impressed by the PT students and realized how much they broaden their service to all patients. Like I said it was amazing and we were all blessed by what God was doing through these health providers and supporters. It was one of those that you say  "you just had to be there" ; so maybe you have been thinking about doing something like this, listen to Him and follow through, you will be amazed.

Kaye and I had a chance to go out Tuesday night on a "Soup Run" really sandwich, chips, fruit and special treat of a sweet. The first stop was at the entrance of the city dump, our hearts were devastated. I have never send anyone living in such conditions, some had plastic sheets to cover but most where wrapped up in what clothes or cover type items they could find. I could not hold back the tears and felt so helpless as to this situation of these people. They were so thankful, they just kept on thanking us for the food and thanking God, a very humbling experience for us. We went to some of the parks and church court yards also to pass out food and share with them about God when possible.